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Guest Post Article

Buzzup.id menerima guest post article untuk semua niche website dengan memenuhi persyaratan berikut :

  • Artikel yang dibuat wajib berbahasa Indonesia
  • Tema yang diangkat harus berkaitan dengan marketing & digital marketing
  • Jumlah kata dalam satu artikel yang dibuat minimal 600 kata
  • Artikel harus unik dan lolos plagiat
  • Jumlah backlink maksimal 2 Link Dofollow dalam satu artikel
  • Menyertakan 1 backlink (internal link) ke artikel yang sudah publish di website buzzup.id
  • Membayar biaya guestpost sebesar Rp 300.000/artikel (harga berlaku s/d dec 2023) guest post.

Jika Anda setuju dengan persyaratan diatas kirimkan artikel Anda ke email [email protected] dan kirimkan bukti pembayaran ke Whatsapp 0851 722 522 95 . Artikel akan tayang setelah kami menerima pembayaran guest post article.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_column_text]

Guest Post Article

Buzzup.id welcomes guest post articles for all niche websites that meet the following requirements:

  • The article must be written in Indonesian.
  • The topic should be related to marketing & digital marketing.
  • The minimum word count for each article is 600 words.
  • The article must be unique and pass plagiarism checks.
  • A maximum of 2 Dofollow backlinks is allowed in a single article.
  • Include 1 backlink (internal link) to an article already published on the buzzup.id website.
  • Payment of IDR300K or 21USD /article is required for guest posting (price valid until December 2023).

If you agree to the above requirements, please send your article to the email [email protected] and provide proof of payment to WhatsApp 0851 722 522 95. The article will be published after we receive the payment for the guest post article.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]